I have a confession to make. Newborns and babies are my favourite subjects to photograph. I love the fact that they just are, they are completely themselves and they experience the world with this wide-eyed amazement and wonder that’s unlike anything else.

This baby photoshoot in Hersham was no exception. I joined the family bright and early as they were sitting down for breakfast. It was baby Thomas’ first weeks of weaning, and the introduction of solids is always a fun thing to photograph, not to mention it’s such a wonderful memory to have – both for the parents and for the kids!

My own son often asks to look at his baby photos and videos with first foods and loves “remembering” what kinds of foods he liked as a baby – something he only knows through photographs like these!

After a quick cleanup and a nappy change (yes that can make for some great and artful photos too!) it was time to play in the garden. One thing that my clients always tell me, is that it’s so nice to have an excuse to have a couple of hours to just enjoy being together as a family, and not having to divide and conquer all the time, as parenting small children often demands of us. I don’t think people realise it before they experience it themselves! My photoshoots are really not stressful at all, and all it is is you spending some quality time with your family and me capturing the magic of it.

Two hours is just about the right length of time for a baby photoshoot, and after a lovely play with his favourite toys in the garden Thomas was tired and was ready for naptime. It involved some milk and reading (and munching on) the Gruffalo book, and it was a great way to complete the story.

The family was delighted with the images and they’ve ordered one of my Fine Art Albums in Airforce Blue, as well as a digital collection, giving them the ultimate flexibility to print and share the photographs.


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