Welcome to my blog. It’s the place to get to know me a bit better and where I share some of my work, photos from my travels, musings about life, photography and parenthood.
A Saturday afternoon in wintery Stockholm
I few weeks ago I flew out to Stockholm to for a weekend away – and also to photograph a wonderful international family that lives there. Caroline is from Germany (and also an amazing family photographer) and Richard is a fellow Brit, and they’ve been living in Stockholm together with their 3 trilingual (!!!) kids for about 10 years now.
Newborn photos that I wish I had (more of)
My little Mr 4 is going to become Mr 5 in a few short weeks, and here I am looking at his newborn...
This month’s bedtime reads
Welcome to the latest instalment of mine and Mr 4's favourite bedtime reads. Hope I have helped...
This month’s bedtime reads
It hurts me to admit this, but my son it not a crazy book junkie like his mama. I must be a boy...
Not starting school
As many of my friends prepare to send their kids to school for the first time, we will be joining...
Confessions of a book junkie
I'm a self-confessed book junkie. I cannot live without reading a book, at least one at any given...
Exploring the French coast
We've had a really busy couple of weeks in the Mamzenko household, between lots of shoots, days...
Five hours in Copehnagen
A few months ago I had a seven hour layover in Copenhagen - completely and totally childfree! -...
I’m Antonina, a London family photographer who takes a photojournalistic approach.
I’m a recovering lawyer, an imperfect mother and a book junkie.