

No one quite prepares you for what’s in store when you first have your baby. Sure, you can read the books, but you know nothing until you’re in it. Not to mention that every baby is unique and is their own person right from the start. Some are squishy and sleepy. Others cry a lot and have trouble feeding. Some want to be held. Others don’t. Some love water. Others scream bloody murder come bath time.

How to photograph your kids in bluebells

How to photograph your kids in bluebells

One of my favouritest things about British Spring are the stunning displays of bluebells that fill our forests come April or May. This year the bluebells have come pretty early, but there’s still some time left to capture the best of them. Here’s how.

Family picnic on Hampstead Heath

Family picnic on Hampstead Heath

Hampstead Heath in North London is one of my most favorite places to photograph families. I often joke I ought to move closer, as I end up travelling up there a lot for family photoshoots, especially in the summer months. It has a perfect mix of wide open spaces, big blue skies, plenty of shaded areas to escape to during the hot summer days, and not forgetting the glorious views over London from Parliament Hill – always a hit with my expat clients living in the area.

The imperfection of family Christmas

The imperfection of family Christmas

It all began with Pinterest. Row upon row of perfectly styled Christmas trees, creatively wrapped presents and stylishly dressed children skillfully making star shapes out of cookie dough. Everything in perfect order.
As a photographer who documents real life of real families – mess, warts and all – I of course knew this perfection was an illusion. I know how these photographs are created, mess creatively cut out of the frame, decorations skillfully arranged in good light, children expertly entertained with fart noises to get the most gorgeous smiles, all the tantrums left on the cutting room floor. I know how it’s done because I’ve done it myself for many years.

15 ideas for your end of summer photoshoot

My mission is to make sure every family remembers not to chase “perfect moments” or “perfect family photos” but instead takes the time to document the little everyday things that are unique to you – things that one day in not so distant future will become the big things, and the things you miss the most.

A different kind of graduation photography

A different kind of graduation photography

When Mireia first got in touch with me, she wasn’t sure if I photographed grown up families too (I do!) – but she really wanted me to be her photographer for a very special event in her life, graduating from the University of Oxford with a PhD in Physics – and documenting her family and friends sharing this day with her.