How to survive those early years of parenthood – while running  a business

How to survive those early years of parenthood – while running a business

I still have this vivid image in my head: I’m sitting in a bathroom of the real-life Downton Abbey, pumping milk, while a bride is getting ready for her big day in the grand bedroom next door. My client is patient and understanding: I’ve explained that I’m a breastfeeding mother, and I’ve arranged for a second photographer to join me for a day to compensate for the time that I will be hiding in the bathroom, expressing milk, just like I’m doing right now.

Photos from our Christmas trip to Scotland

Photos from our Christmas trip to Scotland

One of my favourite places in Britain is the Highlands of Scotland. I keep coming back to it (there here as some photos from previous trips here), and miss it immediately after I’ve left, and start planning the next trip. If it wasn’t for the weather, I would move to the Highlands in a heartbeat (but I just can’t deal with rain for more than a couple of months of the year ;)).

The imperfection of family Christmas

The imperfection of family Christmas

It all began with Pinterest. Row upon row of perfectly styled Christmas trees, creatively wrapped presents and stylishly dressed children skillfully making star shapes out of cookie dough. Everything in perfect order.
As a photographer who documents real life of real families – mess, warts and all – I of course knew this perfection was an illusion. I know how these photographs are created, mess creatively cut out of the frame, decorations skillfully arranged in good light, children expertly entertained with fart noises to get the most gorgeous smiles, all the tantrums left on the cutting room floor. I know how it’s done because I’ve done it myself for many years.

bedtime reads / march

bedtime reads / march

I haven’t shared out recent Bedtime Reads in a while, about time I fixed it! We’ve been enjoying lots of new books over the last few weeks, here’s Sasha’s favourites from March!

How I got my mum to “act natural”

How I got my mum to “act natural”

When I was growing up I was absolutely convinced I was adopted because the 10 year old me saw no other logical reason as to why there were a lot of photos of me, but my parents were never in the family pictures. Like ever.

Now as a grown up with my own child I notice the trend.

Wanderings: exploring pre-historic Britain

Wanderings: exploring pre-historic Britain

Last week we headed to The Stones (that’s Stonehenge if you’re not local) with a group of other home educating families. To be honest, I went there as much for me as for my Mr almost-5. Give me an ancient monument over an art gallery any day, that’s me.