Newborn photos that I wish I had (more of)

Newborn photos that I wish I had (more of)

My little Mr 4 is going to become Mr 5 in a few short weeks, and here I am looking at his newborn pictures and feeling just a little sad about all this time that flew by in a blink of an eye. When he was born I was already a photographer. I knew I wanted and needed to...
This month’s bedtime reads

This month’s bedtime reads

Welcome to the latest instalment of mine and Mr 4’s favourite bedtime reads. Hope I have helped you discover something new to read together with your little ones! Dragon Stew by Steve Smallman Five bored Vikings went out hiking, looking for adventure, something...
This month’s bedtime reads

This month’s bedtime reads

It hurts me to admit this, but my son it not a crazy book junkie like his mama. I must be a boy thing, I tell myself. Or it might be that he’s too busy with other things during the day. He’s clearly a lot more sociable than I am so there’s less time...
Not starting school

Not starting school

As many of my friends prepare to send their kids to school for the first time, we will be joining a growing number of UK families who opt out of the school system, and my 4 year old son will not be starting school. When we first made a decision to home educate, only a...
Confessions of a book junkie

Confessions of a book junkie

I’m a self-confessed book junkie. I cannot live without reading a book, at least one at any given time; and often I have more than one going at any given point in time, and I shift between them depending on what kind of mood strikes me. A lot of my mummy friends...
Exploring the French coast

Exploring the French coast

We’ve had a really busy couple of weeks in the Mamzenko household, between lots of shoots, days being shut in the office editing, sports clubs, birthday parties and seeing friends. Still, we managed a day off and snuck away over the Channel to spend the day...